Thank you for taking the time to stop by our site. Let me take a few moments to give you some information about me. First and foremost I am a wife to an amazingly supportive husband Jeremy and together we have four wonderful children Ali along with her husband Steven, Tyler along with his wife Alexus, Lexie and her fiancée Brock and  our youngest son Brayden. We have also added two grandchildren to our family. Frankie who belongs to Ali and a granddaughter who belongs to Tyler. Though a few of my kids are not big fans of being my learning tools, I can always say Brayden (our youngest) loves to be the object of my camera. Along with my family, I have a very passionate for Jesus, my lord and savior. I know that in this life, I owe everything to him ,for without him, nothing in would be possible. The ability to living my dreams on a daily basis are because of him. I would be nothing without his grace and enduring love.

It has not always been a goal or dream of mine to be a photographer. Actually, my dream (or so I thought) was to be a lawyer. I work as a Human Resource Assistant Manager during the day and spend my evenings and weekends capturing lifes moments. I love to have this artisitic avenue and create memories for a lifetime for you and your families. I will not pose you in an uncomfortable pose where it can be seen in the photo. In fact, as we talk about what it is you are looking for in a photo, I will ask you to do some "homework" and bring with you some ideas for your photo. So, it will let you use an artisitic side of you as well. We will find a location that will work with your visions as well as my visions for you.

I owe everything to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,for without him, nothing in this life would be possible. All of my accomplishments are because of him. I would be nothing without his grace and love

With that God Bless you and I hope to see you soon!

